Thursday 19 March 2015

Thank you for all your input - and don't come to the graduation ceremony.

Last day on the job as an official part-timer.

Very angered to be UNinvited from graduation ceremony tomorrow, especially as was given the impression my attendance was so crucially important since last year. To be quietly dropped in Week 51 frankly stinks.

Won't have the opportunity to say goodbye properly today; expected to slink away quietly? Actually no, Choriso makes a point of telling kids today is final innings. Bless her.

Assembly anoints girl with 0 absences this year

Says goodbye to kids going to other cities & USA.

Announces a single teacher leaving; Fski of all people sporting a sparkly new ring & moving to another prefecture. Win for the home team I'd say! Have never thrived in her room, & her children tend to be less directed than any others.

Kids fed lines to remember in ceremony; hardly express their own feelings/voices!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

On, off, on, off: Karate Kid scheduling

Jim Time for 60...
cancelled last week, 
on again inside since Friday, 
off this am but on again,
outside this pm. 
Pissed off. 

My prep assumed Bacardi would be within eyesight! But no, running the audio from the office behind the hedge at the far end of the yard and over a hedge? For fuck's sake, and then at crap volume? Can you make my job any frigging harder?

Madge a massive help outside, basically running the show as kids either collecting gravel or trying to hump my leg. Either way, paying stuff all attention to me.

Not frantic but concentrated lesson plan prep this morning; good excuse to bail on yet more graduation ceremony preparations & lunch bollocks (green, wasn't missed).

Up up up (Everybody Up song)
make a massive circle
Janken race in middle, losers run chaotic. Fun? 
I see something blue etc (recycled posters made last week) but too many making head start. 
Tag "Stuck in the Mud" finished everyone off - hot & dusty.

 Was presented with a paper plate, as this last JT

Chief says that another school nearby also having a foreign player in next year. Who is .......?
Ten minutes online finds a tattooed Saffer chancer, not local and not destined to become one. 

Friday 6 March 2015

Heads in the sand

Woke up on the floor with no heater 5am, after battling the fallout from an online forum where my expert background was slagged off; then overslept. Damn.

Built the stage, sat in pink but mixing classes = seeing Sarong in charge of Red, about to do origami; bit of a timid non-event.

Pissed off with ETJ Owners. Like EK's double-fisted reaction & Malcolm's 'What a joke' comment. Without informed replies, blind will continue to lead the blind. And I shall desist forthwith getting involved at all. Last one out turn the lights off?

Thursday 5 March 2015

Ask me nicely & have a plan - I'll play

Coughed up a hay fever fur-ball overnight. Maybe I should not have responded to so many EIKEN questions on ETJ last night? Bugger it, questions there to be answered, and I'm one of the very few people in the country who could possibly field them

A gloomy day with Midori gumi ahead...hall full of mums getting their last experience of kindy for the oldest kids' lesson, Madge & Legs11 running the gig smoothly with iLeader fluttering around. No furniture in green, plastic mats on floor instead, drawing a face & sticking a star on the back.

Oldest ones gone to see the local elementary school, so the place was quiet, played outside. Aggro tw&t boy (not Wataru) shouting at me like a cheap pro wrestler. Looking for a fat lip.

Ate lunch quickly, but not sure if it was fried tuna or chicken!. Disappeared to work on Jim Time upstairs; Minnie asked me to join in her colour class. No problem, she'd prepped & had a nice plan - and she asked nicely.

Contrast that to the final seconds of the day, when Fski glances up expecting me to 'do' something! Nope, I think I'll decline that hospital pass. Sort it out yourself, why don't you?

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Hina Day & reset hiring button

The Danish teacher project is Kaput due her biological clock; exasperated. Spoke to her on skype and checked her out on FB & Youtube. Would have been a tremendous addition. However, would have had to endure my own domestic protests probably much worse than the Kindy itself, due to nationality & location (ie not being here already). Hiring is going to be a bitch of a job, given the microscopic overlap of parameters I am expected to meet. Won't.

Today = mixing up groups ahead of next year, & maintaining rank by saying thank you to elders & gambatte from the the toddlers. Allan unable to function with me and Sari in her room! Could see her gears popping, migrating to Minnie's lot a very nice outcome. Madge's alpha males came in & predictably misbehaved; newspaper shrinking Janken game. Stayed for lunch.

Escaped to prep JimTime, which must be changed to indoors. Rain/mud.