Thursday 18 December 2014

Seven days til Christmas...

Showtime: spare wheel gate keeping

Late writing thank yous to SEs & drawing a giant Santa. Bit pissed in the process, which has got to stop.

Games list done, as are lesson plans for January here.

Madge did a nice job, others look stressed.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

A safe environment

Trying to snow, and forgot raincoat. Left to myself on the gate, crazy lady said hello again (street side). Scary scenes in Sydney late last night.

Legs11's class for 1st time since Little i toppled over.

But dress rehearsal red/yellow/blue = shivering in a corner at the back trying to think of something interesting (and failing) instead; all the jobs I couldn't do last night & can't do now ( last night a rant about Identica again).

Fast lunch; cold feet & shivering

I really like the look of Orchard Toys' catalogue of games...

Friday 12 December 2014


Momo minus Minnie & Chi in cute costumes; iLeader coping with three jobs stage manager, director/narrator & pianist!

Red as farmyard animals & wolves; paper hats & bin bag jackets. Allan all arms flapping & cranky disobedient boy on the end; Cosmo glaring.

Madge efficient & drilled. Crabs, chestnut & bees, a growing tree & oranges, pictures in boxes stuck to chairs, lots of entrances & dialogue about onigiri?

Fski frantic; very nice costumes from wrapping fabric? Old village scene & Napoleon etc samurai - boys with swords. Dance for Wataru's foxy mum to wet her knickers with.

Legs11 gives kids warmth & 'can do', all ready & waiting early. Felt hats & handheld props, about a shoe shop. Blessed ALL kids in her class able to take part - and not dead little i-chan. Triangle the cue not chords.

Choriso's underwater adventure my fave. Big props & funky costumes; nicest class too. Sets them up with big smiling practice & praise - last on stage & last show. Fave = red & yellow dotted conical hats. Boss with sound effects (dried peas in a box lid!) scenery changes nice. Big smiles side stage as she leads the dance; very encouraging - as all do, confident children are able on their own.

Boss hungover; diarrhea yesterday. Looks like it too; needs to up his game. Chief subdued, giving whispers to teachers (even me with message from Big Yin).

In the end, after all the hyperbole, English input was naught.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Dancing Elves

Jim Time really good with Madge joining in & setting the mood. I took the piss out of the nose pickers & thumb suckers. They loved the SANTA letters falling down, & second (original) "What do you want for Xmas" version better. Made an Aura very quickly AND it worked across devices! Shocked silence as SANTA sang "We wish you a Merry Xmas" back at them!

Lunch = pinched to sit in red class, next to boy being aggro after his mum had another baby. Hard time to adjust.

Madge made origami Xmas trees, not had time to snapguide it yet.

Lunch & prep time drawing SANTA & letters/lyrics, some hilarity with Dancing Elves app (esp. Boss suited & booted). Boss & Dragon laughed their tits off! (Copy & paste faces into a video).

Tuesday 9 December 2014

How's the weather? Muddy!

Muddy yard, and moved into red (make up for Fri). Allan stressed & bossy, Cosmo in shop-steward mode. Seems all the young miscreants in her class - shouty boys, stroppy ones, punchy ones & nose pickers.

Friday 5 December 2014

Buddy the Frog

In the wrong class (green) but nobody noticed. Play practice in room = chat time outside with Bacardi. In the hall was even more boring.

Took off early to go find Juan. His thing was great fun; kids & teachers enjoyed 40 minutes of profound & cross-cultural silliness! Goodbyes at gate was funny. Everyone suitably happy.

Very relieved & grateful this came off.

Proper review over on Luna's blog, Facebook & Flickr.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Stranger Danger

A young woman very touchy-feely in the yard with multiple kids. thought she was an unidentified mum at first. Chief expediently called end of playtime & UFO vanished (back to the hospital, she thought. Any peril? Best not take the chance & find out the hard way.

Snow flurries all the way here, & continuing. Chief chatty (but blue?) & gave me a coffee while a class practicing in the hall. Much better option. She's making a silk ball for Juan. In class, legs11 involves me with telling the date & weather, ok which she warns everyone tomorrow will be even colder - minus something when we wake up. The horror!

Y apparently did listen yesterday & started to negotiate with Boss wrt schedule 2015/staffing, and thought about price. Asks me to hire domestically, now, familiar with Japan she doesn't want to be here all the time (why would that be?). I flat out refused to countenance idea I do any more, as it is killing me. Put on weight, drinking late while trying to catch up, can't do must do stuff, don't get to email & don't plan any lessons/follow up properly, spend time here stressed about Luna classes, junk food wrong hours for snacks & too much booze.

Rant over.

Stodgy lunch = I was last to finish on my table ;(  Straight to the bog!

Offered more coffee while prepping Jim Xmas Time. iLeader already made cards. Surprised myself drawing semi-decent Santa face for SANTA song, as well as nice A4 letters. Awesome me, later embedded a Chatterkid video of me singing 1st verse with Aurasma. Left Santa up with message, he's watching you.

Dec Jim Xmas Time 
1. Hello Hello clap your hands intro song + TPR
2. SANTA song to Bingo tune + gestures, letters on wall.
3. What do you want for Xmas (Xmas version) - ball, yo-yo, bike...
4. Chairs for tables + crayons, 
draw what you want for Xmas & colour Santa. 
Asked Legs11 1st, she wants a car. 
Time limit, and we write names on each & fold for them. 
Blank inside = too bad - didn't plan that bit.
5. Other version What do you want for Xmas (rocket etc) with actions
6. We wish you a Merry Christmas - words on wall

And it is still trying to snow.