Thursday 29 January 2015

Herding Frogs & rabbits

I think it would actually be easier than the way Allan misdirects the kids in preparation for the music festival!

iLeader stepped in to play the piano in the hall, but she is basically telling Allan what/how/when to do! A chocolate fireguard, if ever.

Boss also lent her opinion I the hall - not contradicting Allan per se, but certainly trying to redirect the children's energies. Think Allan only has 60% a clue what she's doing, and is not very good at delivering that message. Net result is a lot of kids in Brownian Motion. In her class, virtually every boy is neither engaged nor delivering good behaviour. Her interaction with those misbehaving arrives too late & too personalised, whereas iLeader would lead the class & address any issues by praising the goodies against poor actors. As I have always said, being eclipsed from her smile would be painful :)

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Paper-plate monsters

Rainy morning (drove again)

Parked in Minnie's, painting paper plate monsters. Embedded video with Aurasma x1, would like to do all...probably not much point though as chances of any parents being #EdTech enough to retrieve low, and that the school will tell them about it in the first place?

Thought about Can Do during the day & used Scriv to note them down & email back to base. Productive.

Racket in the afternoon, of pianicas, drums, cymbals & green wing nuts trying to hit me. I can feel a punch coming on. Ibuki high on my list.

Flu everywhere now...

Saturday 24 January 2015

Day off - on the job

As a Dad myself, missing Dad's day for my own son because I am taking part in Dad's day elsewhere as an object of amusement...let's just say I think my son would have got more out of me being there for him, than any individual kid/dad combo would have got out of me this morning. Not to say that best effort was not made - far from it. Took an awful lot of experience to keep chats going with completely non-English speaking dads/kids and then managing to change up when some could participate & not make myself look/sound like a brain donor.

Managed a long train of expectant, camera-toting dads in varying degrees of casual dress (long underwear beneath shorts with sandals? Are you for real?) and off-spring dangling in many varied degrees of comfort with lesser-spotted parent.

The song & dance routines went fabulously - I have done this before, and fallen flat on my face so often! Ham it up, must include parents, make mistakes for giggles and get the whole room romping. And then do it again faster when they think they've survived. Some kids actually crying in pain from laughter.

My work is done.

And Head/Shoulders is still a sackable offence at my school!

Friday 23 January 2015

Mushroom cloud

 Mushroom show& an utterly wasted day. F^&*%d off.

My notes in entirety for today.

Thursday 22 January 2015

What are we supposed to be doing?

Meeting to sort out February's demands, (snowing gorgeously outside).

SANTA spelling game in groups of 5 or 6 from SSS. Snowball it
Theme is snow; find a song.

13th Bento (lunch box day - mums get your stress level going on the 12th!)

19th = graduation photos, changes possible. Pretty sure from the lack of "Can you wear clean socks?"
that they will not be needing Photoshop to remove me from the gathering.

24 & 26 middle Jim Time = ~20 mins

Late March (24th?) meet all teachers including three newbies?

Need goals identifying for each group - by semester & break down to terms.
i.e. also need road map for the classes overall. Oops. My job.

I have been organised for my day off

Saturday schedule update

On the job from: 09:45
Kids arriving from 09:50

Me ~ 10:20 with pink,.. dads' circle. Start with "Wheels on the Bus", transition to Head / shoulders (has Allan learned the words?!), petanko lasts 25 mins

Me ~ 10:45 with red, same again

11:15 finish, 11:30 all done. Apparently.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Ninja aerobics and icy nuts.

Ninja gym with Choriso, then her whistle aerobics (I ducked out, getting a headache).

A couple of kids think throwing ice at my nuts is funny. Ha Ha.

Nice pictures on wall from sledging, which the children have drawn; funny how clumps of them are similar - by classroom but I also guess by table, and influenced by the instructions or tips they were given. iLeader gingerly minding her stitches. Looks very sore.

Stepped in when the room got rowdy. Googled song lyrics for Madge before she ended playing the CD. Is Battle Hymn of the Republic an old song? Do you know it? Erm!

On my own agenda = a meeting this afternoon at a technical college later to discuss providing classes, and the need to find a pinch hitter for an evening company class. Two new kids joining my school on Saturdays, but two leaving Tuesdays as they hit the entrance exam crash barriers.

Friday 16 January 2015

Slip sliding away

Heavy snow last night, and still snowing most of today.

Was chief sled pusher in the morning at Asahi Kids Park; a slow and careful drive out there in the convoy of green mini-buses. Actually not a very glamorous 'snow park' at all, but a few dumps of snow from a front-loader to make a steady little incline on a concrete auditorium. Enough to get some speed up on little plastic sleds. We bowed to the staff as good little girls and boys, then mostly obeyed the instructions of keeping out of the way of downhill traffic which cannot stop. Some dopey ones found out the hard and painful way. My job? Simple, stand at the top & get a sweat on, pushing countless pairs of children off down the slope. Good to mess a few of the miscreants about, dumping them out etc, and to ensure everyone got a good go. As you'd expect, everyone fully outfitted and prepped (except me!). Ended up soaked through, & kept rucking my left shoulder.

iLeader fell done the stairs & busted up her chin with a nasty gash in our absence. Ironically, on a day when very slippery outside & an excursion to sliding heaven. Laughed at first, but she has actually done herself a nasty one, along the bottom of her jaw/chin.

Made myself useful digging out the yard & then paths across the park in the afternoon. Refreshing exercise.

Allan panicking to learn head & shoulders - only person who doesn't know it?! Minnie a wry laugh in disbelief too. Madge looking frisky; papier-mâché apples at stage one with her, but after a fast bento lunch (competitive mums spend ages prepping these masterpieces) I was a punching bag again. One hit in the nuts this morning with a lump of ice and thought it was the funniest thing; two or three punches connected during lunch, as well as a head butt & a kancho through to the sac. Well annoyed.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Old teacher picks up sporting injury!

A minus 4 degrees cycle ride this morning, on treacherous icy roads; the playground is frozen like a slab of uneven concrete, so several scratched hands for those falling over. Trying to remember which ones I saw over the weekend at the festival in town!

Minnie making plans for the 24th assumes I am coming (it's a Saturday)...but she is the least presumptive & most careful.

Not much doing, and I nearly nodded off. Salmon for lunch & the kids racing slow.
No iPod...singing solo.

Utterly unemployed in Fski's room, maybe writing down resolutions? Hurt my left shoulder rotator cup again playing dodgeball, which is very annoying and will make riding to work afterwards even more perilous. Not as bad as the time I tore my hamstring to shreds at the Korean School - back of my leg was black and blue for three weeks!

Cameo from Chief.

Friday 9 January 2015

I can clearly feel your nuts - welcome back

Back on the job & not genki. Feet lead & brain disengaged.

Welcome to red class along lines of "oh you're here, no plan today, use you some time". Inspiring.

30 yelling along to iLeader plonking away at the piano. Stone me.

Please do 10 "familiar" minutes = 3 a capella songs. Painful shoulder, trying to lift tables carefully before becoming love pile in Blue. Bollock-wallopper Yuri got a straight kick to his cods before I could stop my reflex reaction to a fist in my groin -which put me out of action for over an hour. Really, in, pain.

Ambition 2015 is to not be here. Sad, but true.