Friday 29 August 2014

Old school football, please!

Pointless kick around today in the yard - two boys buddy up & hoof it down the far end of the park, again & again. Am I about to go fetch in this heat? We never did that when I was a kid. We made teams, world cup, walley, actually made goals etc. Added to that we never had a ball - tennis ball or a medium-sized stone...

Bubbles, slime, soap & colours outside. Choriso asked me to lead good morning (emphasis there on asked, as in given warning & time to prepare), and told kids to talk to me x3 times today. Nice idea!

Helped dismantle the pool & felt semi-useful. One girl dropped rice on the floor & stood there waiting for help. Choriso = 'think about it yourself & do something'. Good. Older girl Chiaki lent a hand. Nice life lesson.

Clean up, put on your shoes, see you later = 2:30 plan w/ Choriso; enjoyable work-mate who is going up all the time in my regard.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Ice bucket & other challenges

Nominated by Stevie & Katie same day. Shot down by the kindy big thinkers as 'too dangerous' to do here.

Surplus to requirements in one class, with their a candy-striper too, so off-loaded into no-plan Allan-land. Fucked off & fobbed off!

Angry enough to snap a kid in half today, constant jabs up the arse/bollocks/guts in tag team action. Why always me? Don't see anyone else getting physically abused.

Fighting boys in Fski's class have started up, as they did last year. i.e. Takes a couple of months for the inattentiveness to come to fruit.

Lead role as 'ONI' practicing sports day. Skewered major offender accidentally on purpose. Crap day.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Rainy day blues

Tanjobi (birthday) day, an annoying reminder as I missed all of my daughter's fun yesterday/over the weekend :( with being busy training examiners in Tokyo. Feeling really blue about that.

Got to Eki-mae before rain turned me back for a jacket. Respite = bit of outdoor action & some nice legs on an elegant mum, eye-smile from Candy. Mayhem in the hall as expected; absolutely hate these unstructured scrums.

Proud mums lined up at the back of the hall to see the show, juggling video cameras with mobiles and babies.  In class with indecisive Allan & her punchy lot today.

Let's see: 10:40 & already fed up - my notes do not suggest I survive the day in any finer spirits!

Friday 22 August 2014

Living a Meaning of Life chapter

Lots of "pants off, move to lower peg unless you are going on the upper school excursion to the pool, in which case put your other pair in a plastic bag with your name on it on the table. Replace bag on lower peg with empty shoe bag. Put your towel on the table unless you have an allergy, in which case leave towel in your first bag but don't change your pants. If you already changed your pants and didn't tell the teacher, put your old pants back on and leave your towel where it is. Don't forget to put your hat on, which is in your swimming bag in your locker. Put that bag on the back of your chair. Take your sandals out of your shoe bag and put them in the basket. Make sure your name is on your shoe bag in black pen and that you fold it neatly and put it in your pants bag on the lower hook. You shouldn't be wearing any socks! Why aren't they in your other shoes in the shoe box outside?

Body painting mayhem, blue knees & purple kids. Shower detail for me.

Lunch inspector.

Colours song x2 with Dragon.

Thursday 21 August 2014

43-hour summer holiday

Refreshed & enthused? First day back enthused?

Black wasp's nest in the hedge, and later splattered one before it could wreak havoc on the children. A couple if boys I suspect went footy camp; Anji still doesn't know what a team mate is for (apart from pushing).

Pulling up pants in tiddler class, sweating like fat bastard, Allan & plastic bag/shoes practice for tomorrow (yours truly goes to the pool - once, to look at it!)

Couple of bollock-prodders here; one combo puke/shit boy stank out room & gave K2 quite a job - guess who I end up sitting next to for lunch - Marbo nasu of all things (looks like what this unit just produced...hard to swallow let alone look at!)

No.23 has been crying all morning - asleep at wheel before lunch served!

Helped Minnie & noticed obvious difference in mood between the two rooms.

Good to see Bacardi again :)

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Paddling Pool blues

Waste of time; til 10:20 dicking around outside with 3 lads picking up the football all the time :(

Paddling pool; moderately wet. 21 souls today.

Lunch = last night's dinner. Finished 11:45. Sang grace in Hebrew - nobody noticed wasn't English!

Friday 8 August 2014

Enjoying the holiday, everyone?

By 10:30 already an extremely hot  & sticky pre-typhoon day, drizzle, hot sun, torrential shower, overcast....kicked a few balls around (pinged youngster on head from 35 yds). Good shot or did he move the wrong way? We shall never know!

Likely won't make my own daughter's Suzuki performance, & also likely her camping this weekend washed out ;( Although I am not a Suzuki Method fan, I am a big fan of my daughter and have not yet missed her perform. So how come I have to now in the middle of the fricking summer holiday?

iLeader chatted this morning, as did Boss, so obviously they're feeling at the looser end of being busy too. Minnie in top form smiling & praising. Allan anonymous - some surprise about that? No, not really.

Thursday 7 August 2014

You brought the wrong lunch

32 degrees, so no wonder a lame kick about with Yuki; others joined & he started owning the ball. Groan. A quiet lad held my hand in goal. Which was nice, but obvious consequences.

Shorts athletics practice Madge, looking fit + iLeader keeping in trim.

Pool after Epson-style aerobics - the same music they use there mid-morning/afternoon stretch outs, & splashathon.

Admonished for having sandwiches, juice & Aquarius at lunch - must be the obligatory (yet impossible to swallow) rice ball. Sometimes, you just roll with the punches - but always low ones here.